You’ve likely heard of “seasoning a pizza stone,” especially if you bought a brand-new one. But how do you actually do it? While most new pizza stones do not need to be preseasoned, some will benefit from it. All you have to do is bake it on medium-high with your favorite oil.
Hey, there, pizza lovers! My name is Michelle, and I am a firm believer that there is nothing quite like homemade pizza. So delicious! I have found the best way to season pizza stones throughout my pizza-making years, and I am here to share my insight with you today.
If you are the proud owner of a new pizza stone and are wondering how to season it, you’ve come to the right place. This article shares the right way to season a pizza stone – and if you even need to do it in the first place. (Hint: you likely don’t need to at all.)
Let’s season!
What Does Seasoning a Pizza Stone Actually Mean?
Seasoning a pizza stone does not mean you need to add your favorite spices like basil and thyme. When we talk about seasoning a pizza stone, what we really mean to say is oiling it.
You can use any type of oil, but olive oil is going to be the crowd favorite.
The goal of seasoning or oiling the pizza stone is to stop the pizza from sticking to the stone. (Because that’s a quick way to ruin your fresh, delicious, homemade ‘za.) A nonstick surface is also far easier to clean.
Seasoning is said to extend the longevity of the pizza stone, but the jury is still out on that one, folks.
Do You Need to Season a Pizza Stone?
The real question is – is seasoning even necessary? And I’m going to be real honest with you here; no. Almost all pizza stones do not need to be pre-seasoned. In fact, some companies specifically say not to preseason the pizza stone as it can ruin it. But why?
Most manufactured pizza stones, especially in this day and age, come glazed or sealed. This provides a nonstick surface for your homemade pizzas, so the stone does not need the preseason to avoid sticking.
There is also the argument that natural seasoning works far better than preseasoning. Over time, your pizza stone will end up with some amount of oil seeping into the stone. While this takes more time, it’s better for your pizza stone.
Last but not least, preseasoning is going to cause a heap of scents and smoke. Seriously. Have you ever baked just oil? Your kitchen will smell like an oil factory, and the smoke isn’t exactly enjoyable.
How to Season a Pizza Stone
If your pizza stone is not glazed or sealed and there is no warning from the manufacturer, you might consider preseasoning it. Remember – preseasoning is great for fending off sticky nightmares and is way easier to clean.
That said, here’s how to properly season your new pizza stone.
1. Make Sure the Pizza Stone is Clean and Dry
You do not want to try and season a wet pizza stone. It is not going to work properly. You also don’t want grime, dust, or any other particles standing in the way of your pizza stone absorbing the oil. That said, clean and dry the pizza stone using a clean cloth.
2. Add the Oil
You have options when it comes to oil. While I suggest using olive oil, it isn’t essential. You can use whatever type of oil you have on hand. Coconut, avocado, vegetable, canola – you name it, you can use it. Drop a generous amount of oil across the entirety of the pizza stone.
3. Spread the Oil
Now, use the same cloth from earlier to start massaging the oil into the pizza stone. You want to use a circular motion to ensure the oil penetrates the pizza stone. Make sure that the whole pizza stone is doused with a good layer of your preferred oil. Leave no area untouched!
4. Bake the Pizza Stone
Yes, you read that correctly – you need to bake the oil into the pizza stone. Place your pizza stone inside the cold oven and set it to 500F (if your oven does not go up to 500F, you can do 450F instead) to preheat the pizza stone.
Once the oven has reached the desired temperature, let it bake for about 20 minutes. Then, turn off the oven and let the pizza stone cool down naturally.
5. Repeat
The goal of seasoning a pizza stone is to create a nonstick surface. You will know when the pizza stone is nonstick because it will have a darkened or burnt appearance. If you don’t notice this after the first round, you may have to repeat steps one through four a few more times.
Seasoning a pizza stone is pretty easy and sometimes not even necessary. If you still have some questions about pizza stone seasoning, then keep reading. Below are some frequently asked questions you might want to know the answer to.
Do you season a pizza stone before using it?
Sometimes, but not always. It’s best to check with the manufacturer. The pizza stone packaging should say whether or not it’s safe to preseason. For example, Pizzacraft specifically says, “Never season a Pizzacraft pizza stone.” If it’s glazed or sealed, there is no need to season.
Should I oil my pizza stone?
This all comes down to whether or not it’s glazed or sealed. If it is, then there is absolutely no need for oil. The glaze or seal provides a nonstick surface. However, if it is not glazed or sealed, you should add oil, so the pizza does not stick.
What kind of oil should I use to season a pizza stone?
There is no “rule” on what kind of oil should be used to season a pizza stone, but I always use olive oil because it’s my favorite. You can use whatever kind of oil you have on hand, though. Avocado, vegetable, canola, and even coconut oil are viable options.
Why is my pizza sticking to the stone?
If you have a glazed pizza stone, or you’ve preseasoned it and still have sticky problems, it’s likely not due to a seasoning issue. The biggest causes of pizza sticking to the stone are too wet of dough, a hole in the dough, or lifting the pizza too soon.
Should I flour my pizza stone?
There is no need to flour the pizza stone. In fact, adding flour to the pizza stone can cause the flour to burn, which is another mess you don’t want to have to deal with. Just place your pizza right onto the stone, and it will turn out fine.
Final Words
Seasoning a pizza stone is great for reducing the chance of sticking, but it’s not always necessary. Check to see if the pizza stone is already glazed or sealed. Also, look for a note from the manufacturer about seasoning. Some companies specifically say to avoid it.
Do you preseason your pizza stone? How do you do it? Do you have any tips? Share below!
About Michelle