Parchment Paper Substitute for Baking

Plenty of baking recipes call for parchment paper, so the treats don’t stick to the tray. So what happens if you’re stuck without this handy item? While you could run to the store real quick, you likely have a reliable substitute hanging around your kitchen pantry.

My name is Michelle, and I am a self-taught baker. It all started when I saw Cupcake Wars as a child. This sparked a love for cooking and baking. As someone who bakes often, I know the importance of parchment paper, but I don’t always have it on hand.

If you’re creating a baked good that calls for parchment paper and you don’t have any, don’t panic. This article will explain some of the very best substitutes for parchment paper while baking. 

Keep reading to find out which substitutes rank highly as a superior alternative!

1. Silpat Mat

My number one solution for a parchment paper substitute for baking is a Silpat mat. What I love about these mats is they are 100% reliable and reusable. This means that you won’t have to worry about running out of parchment paper ever again, and you’ll save money in the long run.

Using a Silpat mat is quick and effortless. Just dollop your mixture onto the mat and toss it into the oven. Silpat mats such as this one can handle up to 480F, and there is no need to add cooking spray, butter, or any other type of non-stick agent for the mat to work.

Yes, Silpat mats might be a bit pricey. But in my opinion, they’re well worth it. If you don’t want to buy a Silpat mat or need something you can use right now, keep reading.

2. Aluminum Foil

Before I owned Silpat mats, I often ran out of parchment paper. When this happened, my favorite go-to was aluminum foil. Most people have aluminum foil in their kitchen as it is such a versatile product that can be used in so many applications, including baking.

Aluminum foil is safe to use as a replacement. That doesn’t mean it’s nonstick, though. Unfortunately, you will need to use cooking spray or another greasing agent to ensure nothing sticks. 

When using aluminum foil, you may also need to cut down on the cooking time. Since aluminum foil has reflective properties, baked goods tend to cook a bit faster. Check on your treats regularly!

3. Oil

When you’re making eggs or cooking up a tasty slab of meat, you likely oil your pan first. Why? For one, you want additional flavoring. Two, you don’t want the contents of the pan sticking and causing a big mess. Why would it be any different for baking?

All types of oils can be used to grease your baking product, whether it’s a cookie sheet or a loaf pan. Canola oil is by far the most popular because it won’t alter the flavor. Using a more robust oil, such as coconut oil, may add a bit of coconut flavor to your final result. Keep this in mind.

4. Cooking Spray

Alternatively, you can also douse your baking items in cooking spray. Cooking sprays provide a gentle mist of oils that are easy to apply and don’t require any manual spreading, making it a quick and simple solution for replacing parchment paper for baking.

5.  Butter

If you’re baking, you likely already have butter on your countertop. Why not make this ingredient a bit more versatile? Butter has incredible non-sticking properties, which means it can replace parchment paper in a flash. Just spread it over the baking item and enjoy!

6. Flour

When thinking of a nonstick ingredient, most people go straight to wet items. But that’s not always the case. Did you know that flour can also be a great substitute for parchment paper?

Just sprinkle a little bit of flour on your baking sheet or another baking item before placing it in the oven. The flour will help to ensure that nothing sticks to the pan when you’re done. 

To add even more nonstick protection, sprinkle flour after applying a nonstick agent such as cooking spray, oil, or butter. While not essential, it’s a great second barrier for your baked treats and can work wonders when working with baking molds.


Want to learn more about a parchment paper substitute for baking? Check out the most frequently asked questions below!

Why do you need parchment paper in your kitchen?

Everyone should have parchment paper in their kitchen cabinets. Why? Because this handy material is great for even baking, reducing the chances of undesirable spreading while baking, eliminating potential stickiness, and making cutting and cleanup a breeze.

Will parchment paper burn in the oven?

No, parchment paper will not burn in the oven because it is coated with silicone. Parchment paper can handle up to 450F, and it can likely go up to 475F without burning. The parchment paper may darken at this point, though.

Can you bake bread without parchment paper?

Yes, you can bake bread without parchment paper. You just need to use one of the methods listed above to keep your bread from sticking to the bread loaf pan.

Do you bake on parchment paper or wax paper?

Parchment paper and wax paper might feel and look like the same thing, but they’re not. While both have amazing nonstick abilities, wax paper is not heat-resistant. Using wax paper in the oven will burn the paper and potentially cause a fire.

Tip: Don’t use paper bags as a parchment paper replacement, either. While some websites may promote using environmentally-friendly paper bags from the grocery store, they should not be used as they can potentially start fires.

Final Thoughts

Parchment paper is definitely handy, especially when it comes to baking, but it’s not essential. If you’re out of parchment paper, consider using aluminum foil or a greasing agent like oil, cooking spray, or butter. You can also consider investing in Silpat mats for future endeavors.

Do you use parchment paper or a parchment paper substitute for baking? Comment below!

About Michelle
I have been a lover of sweets since day one. This led me on a self-taught baking journey starting at the age of 13. It's been over 10 years since the start of my baking adventures, and I’ve learned a lot along the way. Now, people rave about my delectable treats, whether it’s a chocolate cake or a strawberry crepe.

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  • virginie caruso

    It is never to late to learn to bake. I hop!

    • Michelle

      Hi Virginie,
      It is never too late to learn to bake! Get in there and start baking – and come back to us if you need any help along the way.
      Happy baking,
