How to Quickly Cool a Cake

When it comes to baking a cake, it’s more of a waiting game than anything else. You have to wait for the oven to come to temperature, wait for the cake to bake, then wait again for it to cool entirely before decorating and eating. Annoying, huh? Good thing I know how to quickly cool a cake!

Howdy! I’m Michelle, and I’m a bit of a cake fanatic. From extravagant and sweet birthday cakes to succulent German chocolate cake, I make – and eat – them all. I know the frustration of waiting for your cake to cool down, which is why I decided to find the fastest way to cool a cake.

Are you tired of sitting around, waiting for your cake to cool? I’m right there with ya! But we can’t put the waiting game behind us – for good – because I’ve found the perfect ways to quickly cool a cake. It’s a breeze!

Say bye-bye to the waiting game and learn how to quickly cool a cake below!

How to Quickly Cool a Cake (3 Ways)

I’m super impatient – especially when it comes to my treats! Naturally, I needed to find a way to cool down my cakes faster. Here are the top three ways to do it.

Method 1: Cake Rack + Fan

Using a cake rack and a fan conjointly ensures that your cake doesn’t need hours to cool down. Here’s how to do it in three simple steps. 

1. Remove the Cake from the Pan

Removing the cake from the oven isn’t enough. The cake pan will still be piping hot, so your cake will remain more sizzling than the sun, resulting in a longer cooling time. 

What is the better option? Wait just ten minutes before removing the cake from the pan.

And yes – there is no way around the ten-minute wait time. If you try to remove your cake before the ten minutes, you’ll have a crumbly, broken cake disaster. So, please, wait ten minutes before removing it. Try to distract yourself with good music, eating some chips, whatever you like!

2. Place on a Cooling Rack 

Should you plop your cake on anything and call it a day? Absolutely not! Setting your cake down on a flat surface will only cause your cake to retain the heat for a more extended period – and that’s exactly what we’re trying to avoid here!

That said, place your cake on top of a cooling rack. This will elevate the cake, allowing air to circulate in every direction. Ultimately, this will allow your cake to cool down faster.

3. Point a Fan At the Cake

When you’re hot, what do you reach for or turn on? A fan, of course! The same item can be used to cool down your cake in a jiffy.

Grab a portable fan of any size and point it at your cake. An oscillating fan works best for cooling down a cake. If your fan does not rotate automatically, you must move it every five minutes to ensure it reaches all areas of your cake.

Method 2: Refrigerator

The next choice is to utilize the refrigerator. This would be my least recommended way to cool down a cake quickly, simply because your baked goods will be more susceptible to drying out – and that’s a definite no-no for moist, melt-in-your-mouth desserts like cake.

However, if you promise to be extra careful, I’ll share how to do this:

1. Remove the Cake from the Pan

As always, you’ll need to start by removing the cake from the cake pan after cooling for at least ten minutes. 

It doesn’t matter where you sit your cake, as you’ll be moving it into the fridge anyhow.

2. Cover and Store in the Refrigerator For About an Hour

Now, cover your cake tightly with aluminum foil or plastic wrap. Be extra sure that none of your cake is uncovered, as this will lead to a dried-out disaster.

Once adequately covered, place the cake in the refrigerator for about an hour. Remove immediately once cooled and start decorating.

Do not forget about the cake in the fridge! Even when appropriately wrapped, your cake will be susceptible to drying out. So, keep an eye on it and remove it ASAP.

Method 3: Freezer

The final option is to cool down the cake in the freezer. This is the quickest and best way to cool down a cake when you’re in a rush. It’s a cinch, too!

1. Remove the Cake from the Cake Pan

I know, I’ve said it twice already – but it’s essential, and so many people think it’s OK to leave it in the cake pan.

I’m here to tell you to remove the cake after ten minutes of cooling. It’ll save you heaps of time!

2. Cover and Stash in the Freezer for Up To 30 Minutes

The cooling rack is great and all, but it will still not be terribly fast. You’ll need to wait an hour or two before it’s entirely cooled. Who has time for that?

To cool your cake faster than the speed of light, wrap it with plastic or tin foil before placing it inside the freezer. Allow it to cool down entirely, about 30 minutes.

Make sure to keep an eye on your cake when it’s in the freezer. You do not want the exterior to freeze. That will just cause more trouble down the line!


Pretty excellent ways to cool a cake quickly, wouldn’t you say? While you know all there is to know about swift cooling, I added a few frequently asked questions to help you learn more about this topic. Let’s go!

Can you put a cake in the fridge to cool?

You can put a cake in the refrigerator to cool it. However, it’s not my number one choice, as the fridge is the riskiest place to put a cake. It can quickly dry out if not adequately covered with plastic or tinfoil. When cooling in the refrigerator, it should only take about an hour.

Can you put a warm cake in the fridge?

Your cake can be warm when you put it into the fridge. The only two things you need to do are allow the cake to cool in the pan for about ten minutes. Secondly, wrap the cake tightly and thoroughly with plastic or tin foil before placing it in the fridge.

How do you cool a cake in 30 minutes?

If you need to cool a cake in 30 minutes, your best option is the freezer. Allow the cake to cool down slightly in the pan for ten minutes. Then, cover it with plastic or tin foil and place it in the freezer for up to 30 minutes.

Cooling Cake Doesn’t Have to Take Forever!

Cooling at room temperature can leave you waiting for hours. Luckily, there are many ways to speed up the cooling time. My preferred method is wrapping and stashing it in the freezer for up to 30 minutes. However, you can also use a cooling rack with a fan or place a covered cake in the fridge.

How do you cool down your cakes quickly? Do you have anything to add?

About Michelle
I have been a lover of sweets since day one. This led me on a self-taught baking journey starting at the age of 13. It's been over 10 years since the start of my baking adventures, and I’ve learned a lot along the way. Now, people rave about my delectable treats, whether it’s a chocolate cake or a strawberry crepe.

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