How to Fix a Runny Pie After Baking

You go to get a slice of your pie, only to notice that it’s more of a lake of ingredients than a delicious, perfectly filled pastry. Does that mean you have to toss it and start from scratch? Not necessarily. There are a few ways you can fix a runny pie even after it’s done baking.

To fix a runny pie after baking, simply bake it at a higher temp (450F) for ten to 15 minutes. If that doesn’t work, try removing the liquid and bake for five more minutes. If you’re still struggling, allow the pie to cool entirely and cook the filling separately, if needed.

Hey! My name is Michelle. I’ve been baking in my home kitchen for the past ten-plus years, and I’ve learned a lot along the way. One thing I’ve learned is how to fix runny pies before and after baking. After all, pies are finicky, and plenty can go wrong when it comes to the filling.

Want to fix your runny disaster? Keep reading!

How to Fix a Runny Pie After Baking – 5 Proven Methods

A runny pie might seem like a lost cause, but it doesn’t have to be. There are actually a few top-notch ways to revive a runny pie and create the filling of your dreams.

Here are five different ways to fix your runny pie.

1. Bake It a Little More

The easiest solution for a runny pie is to pop it back into the oven until the filling is bubbling and beautiful.

However, I recommend cranking the oven up to 450 F if you haven’t done so already. Place your pie on the lowest rack. This will allow the filling to thicken as it should without too much fear of burning the crust.

If you’re concerned about the crust getting burnt, I recommend using a pie shield. A pie shield protects the crust while allowing the inside – aka your filling – to bake as it should.

Keep an eye on your pie! You should remove the pie as soon as you notice the filling bubbling up (10 to 15 minutes should do the trick). You don’t want to overbake your dessert.

2. Remove the Liquid and Bake

Did you already try to bake your pie a bit longer, only to end up with runniness once again?

Then you’ll have to get craftier about fixing your runny disaster.

The next option is to remove the liquid from the pie. Hold tight, as you don’t want the pie to fall apart entirely. You can save the liquid with other treats, such as ice cream or smoothies, or let it go down the drain.

After you’ve drained the excess liquid, bake your pie at 450F for a few minutes. With less liquid to deal with, your pie should have zero issues thickening up.

3. Let Your Pie Cool 

If you’re anything like me, you’re impatient – especially when it comes to delicious goodies like pie!

But if you try to slice into your pie prematurely, you’ll likely end up with a runny filling.

As the pie cools, the filling thickens. That said, you must wait for your pie to cool entirely before trying to slice into it. A cooling rack will be your best friend in times like these!

4. Remove the Filling and Cook Separately

Now, I will be honest with you – this method is very messy and will likely ruin the appearance of your pie. However, if nothing else is working and you don’t want to start from scratch, this may be your only option left.

To utilize this method, you’ll need to scoop out the filling with a large spoon and pour it into a pan over high heat. Stir in a tablespoon or two of cornstarch. Bring the filling and cornstarch to a boil, then reduce to low-medium heat. Allow the cornstarch to activate and thicken your filling.

Once the filling is nice and thick, you can resemble your pie. Yes, it won’t look perfect, but at least it will be edible.

Serve immediately or pop the “new” pie into the oven at 450F for a few minutes to help the ingredients meddle back together.

5. Freeze the Pie

I will be honest with you – this method isn’t the best. But if you’re in a bind and don’t have time to do other techniques, you might have to try it out.

Freezing your baked pie can help to thicken the filling. The drawback is that it can alter the texture of the rest of your pie, and the taste can be adversely affected, too. You may also struggle with excess juice when you warm it up to serve.

At least it won’t be as runny as it was to begin with, right?

How to Avoid Runny Pie Filling

Luckily, there are many easy ways to fix a runny pie filling – even after the pie has been wholly baked. However, I’m someone who likes to be proactive about things. Are you? Then follow these tips to ensure you never run into a runny pie situation again.

1. Use the Right Amount of Ingredients

Always follow the recipe’s instructions

I can’t stress this enough, pie lovers.

If you’re “winging it” and not using measuring cups and spoons, you will end up with incorrect ratios. 

Always measure your ingredients and follow the recipe to a tee. If anything, you can add a teaspoon or two of the suggested thickener, whether it’s cornstarch, instant pudding, flour, etc. Other than that, don’t toy with the recipe!

2. Bake for the Designated Amount of Time

A lot of the time, pies end up with a runny filling because they simply weren’t baked for long enough.

That said, you need to do three things:

  • Follow your recipe. If it says to bake at 425 F for 45 minutes, do it.
  • Wait for bubbling. If you wait the total amount of time and don’t see the filling bubbling through the vents of your pie, tack on an additional ten minutes.
  • Double-check your oven’s temp. Is your oven displaying the correct temperature? If not, your range may be lower than it shows, resulting in a runny filling. Check your oven with an oven thermometer.


Great! Now you know how to fix a runny pie filling even after your pie has been baked. If you’re still curious to learn more about this topic, I have included several frequently asked questions you might find interesting. Let’s dive in!

How do you fix a pie that is not cooked at the bottom?

If your pie is not cooked on the bottom, the best thing to do is to stick it back into the oven for a few more minutes. Place the pie on the bottom rack so that the heat is focused on the bottom portion of your pie.

Can you re-bake a pie that is undercooked?

You can rebake an undercooked pie. Using a product such as a pie shield is recommended to avoid accidentally burning the crust.

How long does it take for a pie to firm up?

How long a pie takes to firm up depends on the type of pie you’ve baked. However, as a general rule, a pie will take at least two hours to firm up how it should. 

Who Wants Runny Pie? Not Us!

Runny pie is basically a ruined pie – or is it? There are many easy ways to fix a runny pie after baking, but the simplest solution is to let it bake at 450 F for another ten minutes. If you’re still dealing with runniness, you can move on to other techniques.

How do you fix runny pies after baking? Do you have another remedy you’d like to add to this list? Share in the comment section below!

About Michelle
I have been a lover of sweets since day one. This led me on a self-taught baking journey starting at the age of 13. It's been over 10 years since the start of my baking adventures, and I’ve learned a lot along the way. Now, people rave about my delectable treats, whether it’s a chocolate cake or a strawberry crepe.

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